sandy hue

Trying to process the week. What follows is not a story of great loss or of heroic feat. It was my week, which now that it is over, I’m trying to put together, day by day. Allowing myself recognize that I was in shock and took time to rest, which is not something I doContinue reading “sandy hue”

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stacking color

Available at AREAWARE from Fort Standard. I love these, their shape, where they are already a little bit worn gives the illusion they are a hand-me down from your favorite aunt or uncle from their child hood. The perfect blend of vintage-modern. Here is a stop- motion ‘how it’s made’ video. So cute, I wantContinue reading “stacking color”

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coming around

I stopped dead in my tracks Friday night at the Vivienne Tam window in SOHO.   The images I think will speak for themselves, but here is a collection I drew while studying in Florence, Italy, in 1998. While the designs are different, Vivienne Tam’s of a much higher sophistication level,  I couldn’t help to noticeContinue reading “coming around”

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ok go and yes

Goals in life now include: 1. Learning to tango 2. Owning a dress in the colors of the woman in this video. 3. Finding a man to tango with 4. traveling to cool and colorful places to tango. (also reminds me of the strategic color placements in costumes and scenery of the Umbrellas of Cherborg –Continue reading “ok go and yes”

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